Here's a totally unthought through idea.....but thought I'd write it down for later..
I have frequently used my inbox as a pseudo task manager, emailing myself reminders of tasks to do. Why? Well, the inbox is something I know I will keep returning to and also entering a new task (i.e. sending a new mail to myself) is quick, because i have now automated the shortcuts in my mind. However, there has always been the stress of filling up my inbox with tons of messages, that aren't 'real' messages but just reminders to myself. And yet, it did seem to work...I found having things in the 'tasks' section of Outlook or the 'Calendar' section sort of makes them invisible and thus easy to forget. Out of sight, out of mind...
I can think of many benefits of having all information in one view - a stream of useful information and tasks - and maybe all that is needed is a better way to organise it. How about if we created an application that had a single stream of information ( a bit like twitter), into which you'd put emails (or be sent emails), tasks, status updates, files, anything you please (could you keep your traditional different apps, but let them 'feed' into this single information stream. We could then build in powerful filter/view tools to constantly alter that view...filter by type, by tag, by date, by priority, by project, by type (calendar meeting vs task) anything. One view with powerful view tools and only one place to focus your place where you knew everything important is and will jump to your attention when needed. This would be a great concept to experiment with and would build on the usability concept of allowing learners to focus and 'get in the zone' - you never have to think where to look...there is only one place to look. Make this stream available to others to input to and it becomes even more interesting.
I wonder if this is what Google Wave is like...don't know, haven't used it yet!